Your Anti-Inflammatory Menu with Julie Daniluk - Ep 149

On today’s episode of the Healthy is Hot Podcast - presented by @welldotca - join @thechloewilde in chatting about all things nutrition with @juliedaniluk 🥑


From the young age of 7, Julie experienced firsthand the benefits of eating sugar-free and artificial-flavour / colour / preservative-free. Now, as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Anti-Inflammatory Food & Sugar-Free Expert, and award-winning author, Julie helps others live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.


Today on the pod, Julie shares her nutritional journey AND entrepreneurial journey with the HIH community. Plus, she’s got some fantastic tips on how anti-inflammatory nutrition can help business women reach their peak. 


Remember - “health is the gateway to everything we want to create in our lives!” - @juliedaniluk


Check out Julie's IG here: @juliedaniluk

Learn more about Julie and Holistic Nutrition here:


How To Feel GREAT Through Yoga with Kassandra Reinhardt - Ep 150


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